Monday, 11 November 2013

Storyboard For Our Thriller Film Opening

This is our storyboard for out thriller film opening. The title on the storyboard - 'The List' isn't the actual title we're going to use for our thriller film. I just needed to put something there for the storyboard whilst I was making it. I called it 'The List' as it linked with the narrative of the film.
Continuity wasn't a vital importance for the storyboard as it is only the storyboard and not the film, so that is why George and Jess are wearing different clothes later on through the storyboard.
As this is just the storyboard, we can still manipulate and alter things in the final process of filming our thriller opening, but it's still a good guideline to where we want to go with the film and it still ensures that we're not completely off task and filming something completely different as this is the narrative structure that we all like and want to create. But as I said, we can still slightly change and alter things as this is only the storyboard.
As I was making this, myself and the rest of the group kept discussing all the elements and features we wanted to include (mise en scene, sound, camerawork etc.) in the film. We already had a good strong idea of what we wanted in the film (narrative and camerawork wise) as we needed to actually create the storyboard with ideas in mind.
I had a lot of fun making this, and it was great to see everything glue together as I progressed through making it.

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